On Application

Q1: Must the applying new game be in a specific format?

A1: The applying new game must be released in a digital format.

Q2: Must the applicant hold the intellectual property rights of the applying new game?

A2: The applicant company must hold the intellectual property rights/legitimate interests of the applying new game.

Q3: Can the applying new game incorporate elements from libraries or copyrighted materials of previous works or other sources?

A3: To qualify for the Scheme, the applying new game should adhere to the following three principles:

  • The applicant should have developed a new game and the dedicated game should be 90% completed or
  • (Newly added eligibility) games that have conducted the Pilot Testing Stage* within 9 months prior to the program’s application deadline (from May 31, 2024, to February 28, 2025) are also eligible to participate (see details below*)

 *- The dedicated game is in the Pilot Testing Stage, also known as the open-beta or early access stage in the industry. 

– The applicant could gather feedback from small quantity of real paid users during pilot testing stage and based on the collected testing data, to further finetune their game play and monetization features, or the promotional strategies.

– The applicant need to present / provide the testing data of the said game to HKDEA during interview, to demonstrate that the dedicated game has potential for improvement to enhance the game’s quality and profitability before a FULL market launch.

– Based on the above explanation, the dedicated game should not be officially FULL launched.

  • The applicant must hold the copyright of its applying new game’s contents.
  • In the development of its applying new game, the applicant may sometimes use copyrighted materials of previous works (such as characters or their designs). If this is the case for its applying new game, the applicant should state the related information in its application form. The applicant should also demonstrate the differences between the new and old games to the assessment committee, which will then evaluate the application concerned. Such differences may include major distinctions and new ideas in game play, game data, game parameter, marketing methods, game ID, naming of the games, and icon cover images etc.

Q4: Must the applying new game be developed in Hong Kong?

A4: The applying new game should be mainly developed in Hong Kong.

Q5: Can the start-ups selected to participate in the Scheme (selected start-ups) apply for subsidies under the Scheme for the promotional expenses arising from the participation in the Tokyo Game Show 2025?

A5: No. Since the Scheme will cover most of the expenses for participating in the Tokyo Game Show 2025, the selected start-ups will not be reimbursed by the Scheme for their other costs arising from the participation in the same exhibition.

On Subsidy Application and Reimbursement for Expenses

Q6: Can the selected start-ups apply for other subsidies from the HKSAR Government or related organisations with the game supported by the Scheme (dedicated game)?

A6: To avoid double funding, the selected start-ups must sign a confirmation letter to confirm that they will not apply for other subsidies from the HKSAR Government or other related organizations with the dedicated games during the period of the Scheme.

Q7: Can the selected start-ups be reimbursed for the salaries of current/new employees responsible for the dedicated game?

A7: The selected start-ups cannot use the subsidy approved by the assessment committee under the Scheme to pay for their staff’s salaries.

On Subsidy Disbursement

Q8: How will the Scheme disburse subsidies to the selected start-ups?

A8: Each selected start-up must implement the promotional plan approved by the assessment committee (with a promotional budget of at least HKD 550,000) under the Scheme (approved promotional plan) to promote the dedicated game. The assessment committee will then have three progress meetings with each selected start-up within the 12-month promotional period as designated by the Scheme. In the meetings, each start-up must report to the committee the progress and effectiveness of its approved promotional plan along with details of the related promotional expenses. Subsidies shall be reimbursed to the selected start-ups on an actual consumption basis in 3 phases.

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