Background and Objectives of the Scheme

Game start-ups in Hong Kong excel at creating creative games. However, most of them face difficulties in growing their businesses due to reasons,  such as lack of expertise and financial resources on marketing and promotion of their games. Game start-ups usually do not have strong skills in monetization i.e. designing good charging models (such as methods to place paid advertisements and to design good charging features in the game before it is released). These factors affect the game’s profitability and hence the start-up’s sustainability.

Therefore, to further enhance the competitiveness of Hong Kong game start-ups, the 5th Hong Kong Game Enhancement and Promotion Scheme is organized to provide holistic support to 12 selected game start-ups, including mentor guidance, training programmes, technical resources and subsidies for marketing campaigns. Focusing on enhancing game quality and profitability, the Scheme is the first of its kind in Hong Kong supporting  the game industry in a targeted manner.

Details of the subsidy

Receive a marketing subsidy of HK$ 450,000 – HK$ 550,000 to promote a new game (dedicated game) (all subsidy will be released to the selected start-ups on reimbursement basis).
Receive subsidies to cover the exhibition booth’s rental and construction expenses for exhibiting at the renowned Tokyo Game Show 2025, to help the selected start-ups promote their dedicated games to the markets outside Hong Kong and explore business opportunities. The subsidy will also cover most of the expenses of the air tickets and hotel accommodation incurred by two staff from each selected start-up to attend the Tokyo Game Show 2025.
Receive guidance from industry experts to enrich experience in company operation and game promotion.
Receive a series of trainings on marketing, game testing and fund-raising to improve the dedicated game.
Receive 2 free interns (for each selected start-up) who will help in conducting thorough test of the dedicated game for its enhancement (each intern will work for the assigned start-up for 2 months, during which the intern’s salary will be covered by the Enhancement and Promotion Scheme).
Gain public exposure through various publicity channels of the Enhancement and Promotion Scheme (e.g. newspapers, the internet, social media platforms, websites, launching ceremony and sharing sessions, etc.).
Four of the selected start-ups with the best performance in the Enhancement and Promotion Scheme will receive certificates of excellence to facilitate their future promotion.
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