VAR LIVE International Entertainment Company is a pioneer leading Virtual Reality software and hardware development company. Our flagship VR Entertainment stores are located in Hong Kong providing propitiatory VR and AR experiences. Addition to VR gaming, VARLIVE has invented the first eSports VAR BOX console. This console has been successfully launched since March 2019 in locations such as Taiwan, Japan, Hong Kong, and Malaysia. VAR BOX targets size specific venues such as shopping malls, internet cafes, cinemas, lounges, and other leisure spots allowing VR eSports to gain world wide popularity.
Game Title﹔ OVER KiLL EX
VAR Live pioneers the world first Virtual Reality ESports game shooting title, OVER KiLL EX. This competitive game can simultaneously host up to 5 VS 5 players worldwide online with live statistics and rankings. Adapting to world standard and regulations, VAR Live has designed cybernetic characters to avoid public disturbance. Esports teams are organized in team Red or Blue armed with pistols in a head to head death match in the virtual reality world. This strategic competition is based on taking down the opponents team as well as defending their team towerbase from robot attacks. The team that captures or defeats their opponent’s towerbase in the shortest time wins the match. This intense team rivalry can only be experience in VAR LIVE proprietary and patented VR hardware system – VAR BOX. VAR LIVE welcomes you to “Dream with your eyes open”.